As luck would have it, a couple weeks after we moved we found out we were expecting! The baby's due date was December 27th which was close enough to Josh's birthday to mean his plan worked! Well, almost. You see on May 28th our lives changed completely. It was on this fateful day that we found out I wasn't carrying a baby....I was carrying TWINS!!!! Thank goodness we had just bought that bigger house!
The months went on and the high risk multiple pregnancy was pretty uneventful. My doctor took me off of work on October 1st due to my increasing contractions and the horrible swelling. As a pharmacist, being on my feet for 10 hours a day was too risky according to my doctor. So I got to play house wife for a couple months until we found out that the babies were measuring small. My doctor sent me to a high risk doctor on December 2nd for a more in depth ultrasound which confirmed his suspicions. At that appointment, my blood pressure was high and there was protein in my urine, and this caused the high risk doctor to send us to the hospital for a more in depth pre-eclampsia work up. Luckily my lab work came back fine and the babies looked great on the monitor, but my doctor decided that it would be best to deliver the babies.
On December 3rd the two most beautiful little girls were born via c-section to the two luckiest parents in the world. At 9:14 am we welcomed a screaming Alexa Isabella, and not to be out done, at 9:15 am we welcomed another screaming baby named Lyla Julianne. Alexa, who we call Lexi, weighed in at a whopping 4 pounds 6 ounces, and her little sister Lyla weighed in at 4 pounds 1 ounce. Despite their small sizes, they were perfectly healthy and spent NO time in the neonatal intensive care unit! We were truly blessed.
And now my little girls are almost 1 month old. The time has flown by and although I'm exhausted I couldn't be any happier. Life takes twists and turns you never expect, but in the end it all works out!
Right before the c-section
Lyla Julianne
Alexa Isabella
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