
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday Things

1. I want to be Katniss. Okay, maybe not exactly like her since I really don't want to be fighting for my life. But I want to be a badass like her. Basically what I'm trying to say is, I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES.

2. We went to the zoo on Monday since Aunt Patty was visiting. I think I'll do a separate post about this but the girls had fun and only slightly obsessed over the playground there.

3. Ok, I'd like to admit that I put that picture of me and Lyla on the carousel on here solely because I love how skinny my legs look. Which brings me to...

4. I'm 4.8 pounds away from goal weight! Holy cow I've almost done it. I can't believe that someone who likes to eat as much as me has been able to lose even a single pound, much less 15!!

5. I've become pretty obsessed with this line of hair care products:

I use the shampoo, conditioner, and straightening style spray and I'm here to tell you, THEY WORK! I'm not too obsessed with the price though.

6. One Tree Hill ended last night. I'm sad because this show always reminds me of when Lexi and Lyla were newborns. Josh and I would watch the reruns on Soap Network while we were awake for hours on end. I became a fan and now my show is over. At least ended and happy and without stupid Peyton making a guest appearance.

Ok that's it from me! It's been a fun week and it's about to get even better with Passover starting tomorrow night! It's also Paw Paw's birthday and the girls wish him a very Happy Birthday!


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