Today we had a playdate with one of my oldest and bestest (I know it’s not really a word) friends, Brooke, and her baby girl, Celia. Celia is 5 months old and so beautiful! I was really nervous about how Lexi and Lyla would act around such a little baby because they haven’t really been around many. But, they did great! They would tickle her toes and give her kisses and pet her head gently. They shared sunglasses and dolls and didn’t care at all when I would hold her. Lexi got a little whiny and grabbed her paci and lovie, but she recovered well. I’m so proud of my big girls (but not proud enough to add another one to our mix). I love these pictures as Brooke learns how to share her lap with multiple little girls!
Remember this post? Well, I actually took advantage of Shutterfly’s generous offer, and made holiday cards this year! I loved the process of picking out pictures and picking out a card. It was super easy and I think the result was so cute!
Lexi and Lyla have really started to show affection towards each other. They give each other kisses and I find them holding hands every once in a while. It melts my heart to see them loving on each other. For the longest time I seriously thought these girls would never like each other! The other day, Lyla kept going into the playroom, laying down on the ground, and she would just fake cry until I came in there. Finally, I figured out she was doing that to get Lexi’s attention. Once Lexi came in and started playing with her, she was fine!
Have you moms seen those markers that are clear and don’t make any color unless they are used on the special paper? Lexi and Lyla got those for Chanukah and love them! I like that I can let them color somewhere besides strapped into a highchair. I highly recommend these to parents of toddlers, especially toddlers on the go. I’m pretty sure Lexi and Lyla approve too!
We took Lexi and Lyla to the doctor for their 2 year appointment a week after their birthday. They ran around the waiting room and annoyed all the parents of newborns. Josh and I couldn’t help but laugh as we had been in their shoes 2 years ago! They did as well as can be expected of 2 two year olds stuffed in a tiny doctor’s office. Neither of them cried when they got their fingers pricked. They also got flu shots and Lyla didn’t cry at that either, but Lexi let out an “Owwww!” and a few tears. Tough little girls! Here are their stats:
Weight: 26 pounds 4 ounces (60% percentile)
Height: 33.5 inches (40% percentile)
Weight: 25 pounds 12 ounces (50% percentile)
Height: 34 inches (50% percentile)
We don’t go back for a whole year which is absolutely crazy to me! We discussed the girls speech and Dr. Mitchell thinks that since there is a lot that they say and because of how much they understand, that they are fine. She said they might be “slow talkers”, but she has no concern that they need any help. She is always amazed by how healthy they are and we are so thankful for that!
I’m so embarrassed by how behind I am in blogging. I mean seriously, what kind of mother doesn’t blog about her darling daughters’ second birthday? Lexi and Lyla turned 2 on December 3rd, 2010. We started the day as we normally do with breakfast and some coloring. The girls decided that they wanted to draw each other birthday cards, and I thought that was a brilliant idea!
After a beautiful exchange of birthday cards, the girls played for a while in their room. I let them pull all their clothes out of their drawers and make a huge mess, something that we rarely do! Then Daddy decided that since it was a nice day outside, that we should all go to the park:
We were pretty hungry after a lot of fun playing so we got a Happy Meal on the way home (apparently a birthday tradition). The little piggies were pretty tired after that so they got a good nap before Bubbie and Zayde and Grandma, Pa, and Honey came over. We decided to skip a big birthday party this year since the girls have been having some minor freak out sessions around people that aren’t Mama and Daddy. So we just had a small family gathering which was still tons of fun! It was also Chanukah so the girls got to light the Menorah with Bubbie and Zayde and open even more presents! Grandma and Pa got the girls some beautiful birthday cakes also!
Lexi and Lyla got a bunch of great gifts and I think they really enjoyed their day. I still can’t believe that they are 2 years old! It’s crazy, but somehow, after 2 years, our love for them grows and grows everyday.